There are only 2 videos in the game that have this issue and that's the first video in the game, just after character creation, and one video on Manaan just after you make an important choice. The video will be fixed and will automatically restart the video from the beginning. In this situation, just alt-tab out and then click the game icon on your taskbar to bring the game back to full screen.
But if you be patient and wait, you'll eventually hear the intro music but have a black screen. So it may appear as if the game is doing nothing.
It may seem quiet at first because there's no music when the 'A long time ago, in a galaxy far far way' would be on screen. What you may still get even with those two settings disabled is that when you start a game just after character creation, the intro video will start, but it will be blacked out. You need to disable frame buffer effects and soft shadows.